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6 gedachten over “Contact

  1. Harrie - pe1jxi

    Hallo Hans
    Na de lezing van gisteravond heb ik jou site op gezocht en lees dit.
    My name is Hans Wagemans and I am a retired engineerIMG_5953. In 1967 I got a C-license and the callsign PA0HWE.

    Nu vraag ik aan mijn vrouw van wat betekend Retired engineer ?
    zegt ze dat betekend misschien over vermoede ingenieur

    Is dat zo ????

    Groetjes Harrie

  2. harrie

    Hallo Hans
    bedankt voor de uitgebreide lezing woensdag
    en ik vond het leuk dat jij een foto van de door mij gebouwde sat ontvanger in jouw presentatie gebruikt.
    een vriend van mij kon niet naar de lezing komen
    zou je mij het pps bestand willen sturen zodat hij de lezing toch nog kan bekijken
    alvast bedankt
    Harrie pe1jxi

  3. Teeraphan

    Hi Hans Wagemans,
    My name is Moss. I come form Thailand. I’m a student study in Telecom and i’m interested in your project “Measuring and displaying Azimuth and Elevation values”. Can i borrow your arduino code about this project, please?
    Thanks you so much.

    1. hans Bericht auteur

      Dear Moss,
      I am using the system for following the moon for EME (Earth Moon Earth communication), it works very well. The code is on the webpage (see software package), you can use it if you want. Probably you can modify it with the Arduino library of the MPU6050, which is available on the internet.
      Good luck!
      Hans, ON4CDU

  4. Carlo

    HI Hans.
    My name is Carlo and my callsign is IU4MES ( I used to be I4CHY ).
    I have been back in the microwave business for 3 years with the new callsign.
    I have always been interested in microwaves and now I have a 180 cm dish on which I have mounted the 1296 MHz, 10 and 24 GHz.
    To control the dish I use 2 incremental encoders.
    Now I wanted to change them to absolute encoders like HH12.

    I looked with much interest at your Arduino sketch about decoding data with HH12 position sensors.
    I saw that you use an Arduino nano and the display of the AZ and EL is done via RS485.
    My question is this:
    Can’t you use an Arduino MEGA 2560 and its LCD display (20 x 4) with Module IIC I2C Interface Adapter.
    (Use only 4 pins: GND VCC SDA SCL )
    I am not very familiar with Arduino.
    I have created a sketch for a 360 pulse incremental encoder (Type LPD3806-xxx) but I am completely clueless
    but I have zero experience with absolute encoders and, given my age (77), my brain is not as young as it used to be.
    Is it a problem, to combine part of your SW_sensorboard_HH_12_Vv0.2 program with part of the SW-Display_Digital – V 0.3 program
    and create a single sketch to install on Arduino MEGA board?
    Can you help me to do this?
    Thank you for your possible answer.
    Carlo IU4MES

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